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Super Sweet


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Why Buy Locally?


There are countless reasons and here are some. You receive the freshest possible produce, picked hours before your shiping overnight or for pick up at near by pick up location. Produce that travel long distance is days older and loses nutrients, vitality, and flavor. Local food preserves genetic diversity. Large commercial farms grow a relatively small number of hybrid fruits and vegetables because they can tolerate the rigors of harvesting, packing, shipping and storage. We promote energy conservation by buying locally. The average distance our food travels is 1500miles, mostly by air and truck, increasing our dependence on petroleum. Local food uses less packaging. Most importatnly local food supports local farmers. The American family farmer is a vanishing breed; fewer than 1,000,000 people (about less than 1%) of Americans claim farming as a primary occupation. Sadly farmers make less than 10 cents of every retail food dollar. By buysing locally, the middleman is eliminated and the farmer gains full retail price, which helps farmers to continue to farm and provide the food we need. Another key to local buying is that that it builds community. One can understand better the process of produce growth by staying connected with the farmers. Local food also preserves open space. This helps preserve those rolling pastures, picturesque barns, fields of crops, and meadows of wildflowers. More importantly local food keeps taxes in check. For every $1 in revenue raised by residential development, government spends additional 0.17 cent on top fo the dollar on services, which inturn increases taxes. On the other hand, for every $1 in revenue raised by a farm, a forest or open space, government spends only 0.34 cent. Lastly local food is about the future in multiple aspects. One it supports local farms today helps preserve in your community, making sure that future generation have access to nourishing, flavorful and abundant food. It also raises consciousness of your family, friends, and neighbors. 


Community Alliance with Family Farmers
The New York Times


Environmentally Sustainable

It helps eliminate massive use of chemicals and pesticides. Helps preserve the soil. Locally grown food also helps fight against global warming. 

Place your order using order form on our FaceBook Page.


Your Order will be picked fresh on the designated shipping/delivery day. We'll have picking twice a week which will be the days of shipping/delivery.


You're Orders are delivered to you. 




Enjoy fresh meals and let us know how they tasted.


Super Easy Shopping and Delivery




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